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Tip of the Week – Memories – Sept 9/24

Memories:  All of us have memories; some are great, some are amazing, some are tough and some are ones we would like to forget. 

Either way, they are part of what makes us who we are today. 

Sometimes we focus too much on the ones we wish we could forget and forget about the good ones.  We need to remember the good ones and let go of the ones that we want to forget. 

It is important like in anything in life that we focus on the positive – past, present and future. 

I know that in life it isn’t always sugar coated and pretty, but it is your life and there is a lesson in everything.  Not everything that happens, is in our control.  Sometimes, things are beyond our control - we have to live with other people’s decisions and how they affect our lives.  Those are not the easy ones… 

Still it is important to make your peace with what is beyond your control and move forward. 

Make memories – enjoy the little things – create your passionate life the way you want it! 

Questions to Ponder: 

Do you focus on the good memories? 

Have you made your peace with the not so good ones and let them go? 

Do you enjoy the little things in life? 

Are you creating a passionate life for yourself? 

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS

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Mya D

After living half a century, I have had my ups and downs. I have lived, I have learned, I have loved and I have lost. Finally, after many years, twists, turns, disappointments and discoveries, my life started to change direction. Once that direction took root and I was establishing a new lifestyle, I was ready to teach others how to apply what had taken years to figure out - but I wanted to make it a shorter, easier, hopefully more enjoyable journey. See more under the Bio tab in the About section in People Under Construction.

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