

Mya D: What was your biggest takeaway from the course?”

  • That Mya has an incredible ability to counsel and help people. She has used her own life experiences to come up with a process that gets to the root of issues. She is very insightful and intuitive, and she has an amazing sense of humor. You can feel safe and cared for with Mya.  She helped us significantly as individuals and as a couple!  - N
  • I find myself referring to the material on a regular basis and probably will for the rest of my life.  This is an ongoing journey and I am thankful that I stumbled across this program and put the work into it! Incredible way of gaining understanding with an easy way to follow the different phases. – D
  • That my past was hindering my present and my future – by not dealing with the triggers I would fall into these rabbit holes and continually get stuck in my past – therefore not being able to live in the present and create a better future… - T
  • That my patterns and habits were keeping me in survival / exist mode and I wasn’t living my life – I needed to get out of the passenger seat and into the driver’s seat of my own life so that I could start living it!G
  • To breathe – when my emotions got overwhelming and started to take over – I learned to breathe through it – by stopping myself and taking a moment to concentrate on my breathing it gave me time to slow the mind chatter, calm the emotions so I could think rationally. It put me in a position of empowerment instead of frustration. B
  • I needed to find a partner that would cherish me, treasure me and if the person sitting across the table from me (a potential mate) didn’t, then that was not the person for me. I deserved to be cherished and have the opportunity to cherish someone… - D
  • To set boundaries – even for family members. Just because they are family doesn’t give them the right to mistreat me – I needed to find my backbone and create boundaries for those around me. M
  • Weed my garden – that was the best expression for me as I love spending time in my garden and that process really resonated with me – made me look at things differently!R
  • Honestly, I loved the whole process – it was work but it was refreshing and breathed new life into me. Some parts were not easy but worth it. I will continue to make progress for years to come using the different techniques, tips and concepts – thank you. I can tell you created this by utilizing it yourself and that is powerful… - D
  • Well put together. I’m in construction and it hit close to home – cool concept and it works! - B

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