This is a neat and fun resource that may give you a reason to smile, ponder a thought, give you food for thought and also give you a place where you can submit Tips & Opinions of your own when you Subscribe!!!

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TIPINIONS – a blog made up of tips and opinions - was created to be a place where people could connect, think outside the box, gain a different perspective, smile, have fun and lower their stress level. Cultivating and enlightening transparent experiences, along with adventure and inspiration, we are committed and rooted in motivating, relating and improving daily enjoyment. Our goal is to add insight, inspire and ignite your passion!

It consists of Tips and Opinions from my life experiences.  It also consists of many different resources and checklists that we need throughout our life.  We will continually be adding to the content on a regular basis to provide more resources and information. Please feel free to ask or suggest different resources or checklists that you would like to see on our site!

My life hasn’t always been pretty, but it has definitely been colorful!

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I have learned through the hard times it is important to laugh – if you don’t laugh you’ll just cry anyway – and tears from laughter feel very different than tears of sorrow.

This is a place where people can go somewhere quick in the morning or throughout the day and get a pick me up – a laugh – an aha moment – a giggle – learn something – share something – put a smile on someone’s face!

So this is a place to get some tips, opinions and ideas – be creative, and hopefully smile!

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People are much sexier when they smile!!

Check us out at www.tipinions.com or contact us at support@tipinions.com.

We appreciate your interest in our efforts and becoming part of our community! Cheers!

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Become a Subscriber and offer your Tips and Opinions and then it will be voted on to see if it is the preferred one!

A unique, affordable approach to self improvement!!

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It’s time to get PAST your PAST and start living the life that’s waiting for you!