Customized Business Essentials Resource

This is a unique business resource and concept designed for small and medium sized businesses and can be implemented and utilized in any business, anywhere.

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Customized Business Essentials is a membership website that creates a Customized Road Map of Processes & Systems for businesses that help define direction.  This transparent system is built through strategizing, research and development, planning and discovery. By locating the gaps, we can create a foundation of continual improvement, team growth, stability, and improve productivity while providing a sustainable direction.  Our value added, quality customized road map encourages, motivates and promotes staff engagement and fulfillment while reaching the desired destination of ownership.

Michele is a confident, highly organized passionate Consultant, Entrepreneur, Broker and former employee with over 25 years of experience in many different sectors, serving in many different roles. Having worked in many different positions and sectors, it gives her a unique perspective and understanding of the many facets of businesses and how they are run, what works, what doesn’t work and what good looks like and how to make it happen!

Helping people create the path that suits their needs since 2006, Michele is passionate to see you succeed both personally and professionally.

What she has learned throughout the years is that larger companies and franchises utilize a system or have numerous people to fulfill many different roles. For small and medium sized companies, employees need to wear different hats in their job as there are less people doing the work. A majority of companies do not utilize a system which can create an atmosphere of less productivity, employee disengagement, people not being utilized to their full potential, less understanding, more frustration and in general a lack of direction and passion.

It is essential for companies to have passionate employees, structure, direction, team collaboration and the right people in the right roles to be truly successful!

Let’s create a Customized Road Map and set up a system that works specifically for you & your business that is sustainable and takes you to your desired goal!

What are your needs:

  • E:\NTFS Partition (Passport Backup bought 2018)\Membership Website Info 1\CBE\Logo & Images\CBE long Slogan Image 2.pngGrowth
  • Re-organization
  • Restructuring
  • Downsizing
  • Start-up
  • Selling
  • Advice
  • Planning
  • Strategy
  • Budgeting / Projections
  • Networking

Having had the opportunity to assist with the start-up and establishment of businesses, business downsizing, business growth, business closures, bankruptcy and foreclosure, different business models, restructuring and reorganizing and selling or having a family member take it over. She has helped with the whole process or been part of the process in many different aspects and areas.

No matter what you are looking for, there are growing pains at each stage; in starting up, downsizing, growing, restructuring and reorganization businesses.

Get some assistance depending on your needs, financial situation, goals and dreams for your business. There are different monthly bugetable levels designed for your specific needs. If those do not fit your needs, something can be customized that works best for you.

Contact us at or visit us at

What does your current business model look like? Is it serving you or are you serving it?

Work smarter not harder!

E:\NTFS Partition (Passport Backup bought 2018)\Membership Website Info 1\CBE\Logo & Images\Business Vision Image.jpeg

A unique, affordable approach to self improvement!!

Join our World & Become a Member today!

It’s time to get PAST your PAST and start living the life that’s waiting for you!