The Journey Image with words

My Life’s Journey to Becoming an Heir


It took me half a century but I finally figured it out. The first 40 some years of my life I chose to be a passenger in my own life instead of being in the driver's seat and steering, guiding and directing my life as was intended – let’s be honest – it was my life! In making that passenger choice I became a person that had a victim mentality and never truly felt worthy. With this in mind, many circumstances and situations along the way, it molded me to be very uneasy, unsure and make it hard to get any true enjoyment out of life. I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, and since I was waiting for it and expecting it, it would always happen.

A life full of ups and downs, struggle and strife finally led me to look at and choose to challenge things. I worked through many tough things and finally learned how to get past my past. By not doing that previously, my past used to dictate my future but not anymore. Once I figured this out, and put in the work, I was on the road to discover my inheritance – who I was meant to be and what I was meant to have. Prior to this my crap was in the way of this opportunity. So I have titled my book “My Journey to Becoming an Heir”.

I hope that this helps you with your journey and gives you an understanding of me and how this all came to pass.

This is my journey…

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