Become a Member Today!

By choosing to get PAST your PAST, you have chosen a new path, a new journey, a different concept to a personal growth journey like never before!

By becoming a member, you have access to the program at a low affordable monthly fee. You can join at different levels, depending on what kind of support you desire.

You will also have access to “My Journey” and get to know where I come from and how I got to where I am.

You will have access to the CHAT Groups and the SUPPORT Groups, depending on the level chosen.

We appreciate you making this decision today and believe that you will enjoy the experience of Discovering the World of People Under Construction.

There are four different subscription levels set up for PayPal:  If those do not intrigue you, keep scrolling…

After reading the following, please fill out the form below:

Level 1: Affordable - $30.00 per month – first month is free!

This level allows you full access to the site for a very affordable fee in a self-guided experience. $1 a day!

Level 2: Reasonable - $50.00 per month

This level allows you full access to the site for an affordable fee plus weekly email support to help guide you through the steps. As you are needing assistance or accountability - reach out to get weekly one on one email personalized assistance.

Level 3: Bi-Weekly Email Support - $200.00 per month

This level allows you full access to the site for a fee plus joining a weekly large support group to help guide you through the steps more personally and be able to connect with others in an audio phone support environment, along with bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) email support. In joining this level, an email questionnaire will be sent to fill out that will assist in providing the best group fit, day and time to best suit your needs. (8-12 people)

If you are seeking more information prior to making your decision, please refer to the Group Session Expectations, Intentions & Etiquette under the Members section.

Level 4: Weekly Email Support - $350.00 per month

This level allows you full access to the site for a fee plus joining a weekly small support group to help guide you through the steps more personally and be able to connect with others in an audio phone support environment, along with weekly email support. In joining this level, an email questionnaire will be sent to fill out that will assist in providing the best group fit, day and time to best suit your needs. (4-6 people)

If you are seeking more information prior to making your decision, please refer to the Group Session Expectations, Intentions & Etiquette under the Members section.

Take It to The Next Level

The following Levels Build on Level 4…

This level allows you full access to the site for a fee plus joining a weekly small support group to help guide you through the steps more personally and be able to connect with others in an audio phone support environment, along with weekly email support. In joining this level, an email questionnaire will be sent to fill out that will assist in providing the best group fit, day and time to best suit your needs. (4-6 people)

Level 5: One on One - $1,500 per month

In addition to the above, you will have complete One on One support.  This gives you access to a Mentoring Coach that will assist you on your journey with weekly 1 hour calls to go over your successes and your challenges to give you the encouragement to keep going and crush this!

Level 6: Hand Hold Experience - $3,000 per month

In addition to Level 4 & 5, you will have what I like to call The Hand Hold Experience Journey – this is where we support you like we are right there walking the journey with you.  You will be assigned a Life Coach that will take your hand and walk through this journey with you, providing support, outreach, a kick in the butt – if and when needed (lol), and be your partner (so to speak) in completing your journey. 

Level 7: The Family Experience - $4,000 per month

This level builds on level 4 providing the same access as level 4 to all family members.  Recognizing that when you are working on families, it is important to have more support for the entire group as a whole.  When one person is dealing with things it can be hard, but when a group is collectively trying to work on their struggles and improve themselves, it can provide a tougher atmosphere. This level is a combination of Level 4 & 5 together to provide the best overall outcome for the entire family.  The one difference from Level 4 is how the Support Group will be structured for the family and what that will look like.  That will depend on a family assessment prior to being assigned to a group or groups and what those dynamics will look like!

Business Levels

We can provide support and services for Team members for Businesses. As each business and person is unique, it will be a custom design after an interview / assessment process to come up with the best design for you with the outcome you are looking for!

Executive Team Member - $1,000 per person per month (discounts given for teams with more than 10 members)

Teamwork Options - $1,000 per person per month (discounts given for teams with more than 10 members)

Business Owners - $2,000 per month – preferring a more One on One approach as described in Level 5 with additional support regarding the business.

If you are wanting more from this experience, desiring one on one support – please become a member choosing the first option for the lowest membership and then please email to customize something that will work best for you.

A unique, affordable approach to self improvement!!

Join our World & Become a Member today!

It’s time to get PAST your PAST and start living the life that’s waiting for you!