Phase Intro

Construction Phases Journey

It is important for you to know where you come from in order to know where you are going.

In changing your future there are things from your past you will need to get past!

You cannot move forward if your feet are facing in the wrong direction.

Say for example you are going to go on a road trip; you cannot get to your destination by sitting in a rocking chair! The same is true with yourself – you need to make choices to move forward and move step by step.

Sometimes it may feel like you are not moving forward at all. In those moments look back and recognize you have come a long way and sometimes standing your ground by not going backwards is a great forward motion.

Change is the only constant in life, however, change takes time.

Be gentle with yourself. This is not a race. A slower pace is better for true change to take root!

I am sure you will notice through this process I am a nature buff and have utilized that a lot in these processes. Nature feeds my soul and rejuvenates me - what feeds your soul and rejuvenates you?

What helps keep you grounded?  For me - it is rocks.  I have collected rocks throughout the years and have many inside and outside my house.  When I am floundering, I will hold onto one and it seems to ground me.  When I am really struggling, I put one in my pocket and will hold onto it regularly to help me get back to standing firm in my decisions.

Nature helps in keeping people grounded - stand by a tall tree, sit by the river, hike or ski in the mountains, swim in the ocean, listen to the waves.

The Phases of Construction for this process consist of:

  1. Planning
  2. Conception
  3. Demolition
  4. Excavation
  5. Site Clearance
  6. Design
  7. Pre-Construction
  8. Foundation
  9. Framing
  10. Interior Work
  11. Exterior Work
  12. Landscaping
  13. Handover
  14. Possession
  15. Post Construction Maintenance

Important Note:

Before you start the Phases, please take time to read the About Us and Bio sections to gain some preliminary understanding of where this came from.

In order to access the different Phases, you need to first become a Member!

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