Chat Rooms

These Chat Rooms were created out of a desire to create, establish and build a community of positive support for each other. In order to access the chat rooms, you need to first become a Member!

These are excerpts taken out of the About Us Page...

I promised myself that once I had learned how to walk out of the amusement park in my head and emotions and stay out (as it does pull you back into it – patterns, habits and mindset are not easily changed) I would create a platform where I could share with others, help others and build a community of support and sharing.

My desire is that people can come together and support each other with positive reinforcement which will help to start turning negativity into a positive. It takes so much less effort, thought, emotion and energy to be negative but it keeps you going on a life’s path that will not achieve the desired outcome that we are all seeking!

I also wanted to create a community – I was fortunate to have the support I had in my life – but at 3:00 in the morning I was alone with my own thoughts and that can be a dangerous place to dwell.  That is why I wanted to create the chat rooms – a safe place for people to share anonymously.

Please read and remember the Chat Room Disclaimer, General Rules, Regulations & Guidelines that is in the Policy Section when you are utilizing the Chat Room Services. We appreciate your respect for one another, encouragement, support and positive reinforcement.

We hope you enjoy these services and offer any suggestions or ideas for other rooms.

A unique, affordable approach to self improvement!!

Join our World & Become a Member today!

It’s time to get PAST your PAST and start living the life that’s waiting for you!