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After living half a century, I have had my ups and downs.

I have lived, I have learned, I have loved and I have lost.

Throughout the years, I have utilized many self-help tools and materials to assist in my personal growth. What I found was that it was good information, ideas or concepts, but how did I apply it in my life to get the desire outcome that I was looking for.

Then I had a really rough decade and nothing I had learned previously really helped. I was on my own.

I decided a major change or shift needed to happen in me, if I was going to get through it, move on and survive.

Throughout this journey I realized I was done with existing and surviving through this life. I wanted to thrive!! I wanted to attain my dreams and goals and have something good come out of all the pain – I wanted to truly overcome and start living my life.

Finally, after many years, twists, turns, disappointments and discoveries, my life started to change direction.

Once that direction took root and I was establishing a new lifestyle, I was ready to teach others how to apply what had taken years to figure out - but I wanted to make it a shorter, easier, hopefully more enjoyable journey.

I also want to take the time to mention a very important aspect - not to be controversial, but to be honest.  Most of us believe in a higher power than ourselves - whatever you want to call it - God, Universe, Divine, etc.  A lot of the time when we are struggling, we disconnect from this higher power and tend to be more emotional.  I am asking you that through this journey, you reconnect, rediscover and learn about yourself, your higher power, and others.  I believe that there is a reason and a season for everything, even if we don't understand or enjoy it.

Join me on the journey to get past our past!

I hope you get your desired outcome!

Please read the About Us Section to have a better understanding of where People Under Construction came from. 

To discover more about me, read the chapters under My Journey section which was designed to give you insight into my life, struggles and triumphs.

Much Success,

Mya D

A unique, affordable approach to self improvement!!

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It’s time to get PAST your PAST and start living the life that’s waiting for you!