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People Under Construction is a membership website that utilizes the Construction Phases to recreate yourself.  This is a process that emphasizes stability, wholeness, change and growth.  We dig deep, excavate and rebuild the foundation to form new patterns and habits that shape lasting results.  Encouraging, supporting and empowering people to transform in order to acquire a more fulfilling, thriving life where dreams can come true!

People Under Construction was created after years of struggling with my past and present while realizing that changes needed to take place in order to have and create a better future. If I just continued on with life, my past would dictate my future and things wouldn’t shift on their own.

After a decade long journey, trial and error, changes and shifts and a painstakingly long journey, I came up with an idea of what helped me shift, change and grow to go from a life of existing and surviving to living and thriving. I knew that once I got through my own journey, that I would share the information to assist others gain freedom from themselves, their struggles and their issues!

The Phases of Construction is what I used to grow and change – it took time to figure this out and work through each phase. I am so thankful that I made the decision to take action in my life and follow it through to the end! My life is very different now than it was previously. It is never easy to make lasting change and it takes time, dedication, determination and commitment but it is completely worth the reward.

My hope is that you commit to making true change in your life and reap the benefits of the journey. I am right along side of you to assist in your growth, support you and keep you accountable along the way.

As with anyone, we go through life the best way we know how with the information we have at the time. What I didn’t realize as I went through it was just how many patterns and habits we form along the way and how we often run on autopilot.

Some of these patterns and habits are generational, some are learned and some come out of the survival, existing mindset.

I also came to the realization that I was living in a mental amusement park in my mind and emotions – going from the different rides – the rollercoaster, the merry go round, the drop of doom, etc. and was on this endless cycle of emotions and drama.

Sometimes, it seemed like I was in an endless pit I kept trying to climb out of and once I got to the top and dusted myself off, then I just fell into the next one which was deeper and darker than the previous one -  going around in circles continually and getting nowhere, like I was slowly being swallowed up by quicksand and that the light at the end of the tunnel was actually a freight train. At least that is what it felt like for a very long time. I continued my cycles, my patterns, my habits and it was hard to stay positive – negativity seemed to surround me.

The first thing I had to realize in all of this was that only I had the power to stop this.

In order to make lasting and definite change I had to get out of the passenger seat of my life and instead take the wheel and steer my life in the direction that I wanted it to go. However, at this time I felt like an alligator had taken me down in the death roll to the bottom of the lake and left me there. What direction did I truly want to go in??

I was tired, exhausted, stressed, continually in battle mode and I had no idea what I wanted out of life.  So I started eliminating things that I didn't want to help in my journey to find out what I truly wanted and that assisted in figuring out which direction to go in.  It wasn't an overnight concept, it took time and thought - but I was worth the time, effort, energy and emotion.

I had to take a hard look in the mirror and realize I had to make changes - the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting different results.

I was tired of my past dictating my future – so I had to get past my past, change my patterns, habits, and mindset so I could change my future. It is a lot easier said than done but it can be done. You just have to be willing to change, acknowledge that change is a good thing and make the effort to change.

It is not a one and done idea – it is a slow moving process but it is definitely worth the reward at the end. Slow and steady wins the race. If you take time to create the change it will last. If you try to speed through it you are only touching the surface and you will just end up back where you were, however, feeling more disappointed and discouraged. Remember it is the journey to the destination that is remarkable not just the destination.

I promised myself that once I had learned how to walk out of the amusement park in my head and emotions and stay out (as it does try to pull you back into it – patterns, habits and mindset are not easily changed) I would create a platform where I could share with others, help others and build a community of support and sharing.

My desire is that people can come together and support each other with positive reinforcement which will help to start turning negativity into a positive. It takes so much less effort, thought, emotion and energy to be negative but it keeps you going on a path that will not achieve the desired outcome that we are all seeking!

I have learned a lot of lessons along the way on this lifetime journey and have come up with some simple suggestions, tips, resources and ideas to help people create an easier way to get the end result.  More tips and resources will be added with time.

My goal is to create a community of support – I was fortunate to have the support I had in my life – but at 3:00 in the morning I was alone with my own thoughts and that can be a dangerous place to dwell. That is why I wanted to create the chat rooms – a safe place for people to share anonymously.

I will be writing little chapters along the way, so that you can understand and experience my journey from start to finish and get to know me.  It is under the My Journey Section.

The biggest thing I want you to know is that you are loved and accepted for who you are and I am proud of you for beginning your journey. Take time to walk, experience and feel your individual journey. Do not rush things, or they will not last and you will fall back into the old traps. It is uncomfortable to change – your mind and body like and prefer the old ways as it is more predictable, comfortable and secure – even if the outcome isn’t great or better for you.

Take the uncomfortable road less travelled and make a new path – the results are worth the time, effort, energy and emotion. Remember you are going in a new direction – it is supposed to feel different, a little scary and exciting. Never look back unless you are planning on going in that direction. I have a coaster that I look at a few times a day that says “The past is a guidepost, not a hitching post” – so don’t stay there or go back – keep moving forward.

At times, it will be hard to keep moving forward – in those moments, remember stand firm in where you are – even if you aren’t moving forward, you are standing your ground and not going backwards. Sometimes that is enough of a forward motion to keep going! It takes time to create real change.

There are two things that are a for sure thing in this - Change is the only constant in life and we are a work in progress – so keep working – You are the most important person in your life – start treating yourself like the precious gift that you are!

I hope that through this journey you learn to love yourself for who you are, accept yourself for who you are and what you stand for, forgive yourself for the past, and recognize your worth.

The Ultimate Goal for this website is that people will be able to recognize that everything in life is a choice. Our patterns and habits once acknowledged have the ability to be changed.

When we live in the passenger seat of our own lives, we will never truly be happy and we end up with more of a victim mentality than being empowered. I want to provide what I believe are tools to empower you and help you on a continual pattern of growth and self-discovery.

When you change from having a victim mentality to that of empowering yourself, choose to take responsibility for your life, then you can begin to drive your life in the direction you want to go.

Regardless of what is going on – attitude plays a huge role in the outcome of our lives. Your attitude can change from negative and derogatory to becoming more positive and empowering.

Please know that what you choose to tell yourself and others is the pattern you continue in your life. If you choose to continue to talk about your circumstances you tend to receive more. Start changing your story today… it starts in your mind first and then your words…then it takes root and new healthier patterns and habits are formed.

From this day forward, begin to create an atmosphere of self talk where you speak words of life into your future of what you want your life to be. Close the book on your past life and begin your new story of what you want your life to look like – it begins with your words, then your actions, it takes root and then finally it plays out and becomes the life you desire.

I want to take the time to mention a very important aspect - not to be controversial, but to be honest.  Most of us believe in a higher power than ourselves - whatever you want to call it - God, Universe, Divine, etc.  A lot of the time when we are struggling, we disconnect from this higher power and tend to be more emotional.  I am asking you that through this journey, you reconnect, rediscover and learn about yourself, your higher power, and others.  I believe that there is a reason and a season for everything, even if we don't understand or enjoy it.

Please work through the Phases in order as each step builds on the next step to create the best foundation.

We have set up 4 different ways of becoming a member, depending on how much support you wish to have along the way.

If you are wanting more from this experience or desiring one on one support – please become a member choosing the first option for the lowest membership and then please email support@peopleunderconstruction.com to customize something that works best for you.

To discover more about me, read the Bio Page and the chapters under My Journey which was designed to give you insight into my life, struggles and triumphs.

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